Labels:bridge | car | cd rom | conveyer belt | disk | pool table | road | tree OCR: Copyright c 1996 2004 Emme put MACINTOSH@ All rights reserved OF GREATEST OUR TIME MOMENTS 8363300027 762CD For and to Technical sign up for Support our Dorling published Kindersley exclusively CD -ROMs Master #015 FREE email newsletter NA, GLOBAL Inc. (GSPNA) SOFTWARE PUBLISHING for new title alerts and special discounts visit uS at GSP LICENSE This product is licensed only personal tse for displa AGREEMENT on only one screen at time and is not transferable illegal copying use to penalty and/or prosecution terus ofthe licensi suppliers This product is liability sold as is and oric LIMITATION paid installation oft breach of OF to GSPNA and this any lim LIABILITY h program warrant means that ofthe you and limited igret "tothe returr product don the uSCI rist ption and Use ...